Tag Archives: ross enamait

WOD 20140830

Finally, the rest is over and recovery can begin. This morning the hip felt mainly ok; no pain while dressing up, walking felt ok. The only problem that remained after 1 hour of walking the dog was that the back felt tired, still.

So I went and made a small workout for myself.

10 minutes warmup with squats, bend-overs, hindu-pushups and wrestler’s bridge and I was ready to do the following.


30 Knee hugs
20 Superman
1 minute Plank
20 V-ups
1 minute side plank (each side)
20 Leg Raise & Butt lift
15 Straight Legged Hip Swings (each side)
30 s Isometric Backhold
30 Chinnies
30 Toe Touch Crunch
20 Alternating Superman from Pushup Prone
30 Side Crunches (each side)
50 Russian Twists
50 Leg Raise with 20 Kg Kettlebell holden up with hands
15 Front Rolling Bridge
15 Back Rolling Bridge
1 Minute Wrestler’s Bridge


9 min EMOM

30 s Handstand Hold

10 Push -ups