Tag Archives: strongman

Recovery day number 5

Still, no workout for today either. I had my plans last night to get a bike and ride my way to work today, but it just did not work out.

In the morning, while walking with the dog, I did jump over a ditch. And then the lower back really got a sudden strike of pain when I did shoot my left foot upwards. So I decided to let the biking go. Otherwise the back pain has been on the way to better, left hip still feels sore (as well as back), but at least I can get jeans on without huge amount of pain while standing. Slight nip, though, but that’s all. Hopefully tomorrow will be better. 

Honestly put the one week rest has been one of the biggest challenges for the whole year. It actually has been the longest pause from training for at least in 2 years. But surprisingly enough, I’ve managed to pull myself through. I have to admit that it has been boring in a way, but at the same time, kind of refreshing to just sit, lie and walk around.

Of course on my spare time I’ve been watching tv. Mainly the sitcoms, but yesterday I found myself looking at this local documentar-ish program called Svett & Etikett (Sweat & etiquette) about training overall. The host did have episodes made about strongman -competition, Crossfit & military training. Plus 5 more episodes I didn’t watch. But I found out that the Strongman -training actually did look like made for me. I’d really like to get stronger 😀 Crossfit was also interesting, as well the military training. So I’m currently all pumped up to get myself grabbing the bar. Hopefully already on Monday…

… and in the future I might remember to stick to my own plan when in the gym. 2 rough 30-40 minutes WODs with 100 burpees in 2 sequential days might be a bit too much even for me.